Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Flour Sack

Here it is my final animation for the first semester!

A link to a better version can be found here:


For our Practices and Principles class we were to draw a human skull from reference, and then create an alien skull and label both.

Friday, December 4, 2009

group room ~ pub

This is an older assignment that I've finally got around to scanning. This was a group assignment where in groups of four we had to decide on a type of room to design (my group chose to do a pub/bar) and each of us had to draw a corner of that room. Now it didn't have to be the same room style wise, but the furniture that we had placed using a floor plan, had to be in the same place. ie the juke box is X meters away from the door, which is Y meters away from the booths, etc.